Theme for Yoga Practice

We don’t handle stress in our heads;


As much as western society treats stress a cognitive issue it is important to recognize how psychological stress is held and manifests in our physical body


We hold the trauma of our stories in our entire body, so our pain and trauma have to be resolved systemically in our bodies


Healing and balance require bringing the body into the process: to feel less stress, more connection, more joy, and more healed, we have to bring our bodies into the equation


Recognizing that bodies and minds often work in opposition with one another creates a new, safer container in which to heal, and can help alleviate some of the shame that comes with not being able to resolve your issues in your mind


By simply being there with discomfort rather than trying to avoid or logic your way through it, you are building resilience, and ultimately building a deeper relationship with yourself as you learn that it is safe to be embodied in moments of unease

This practice enables you to experience more connection, and experience the world in a new way

Bri McComeskey